Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Needham Maternity!

When Kelli's sister Page contacted me regarding Maternity Pictures, I was beyond excited. Not only would I be able to see Page (someone I hadn't seen since high school, 10 years ago!) but I was able to take my first maternity session outside! Kelli was such an amazing person to take pictures of! She was so easy to work with along with her boyfriend Steve! Thank you for allowing me to capture such an amazing time in a families life!! 

Update : Mayson Ryan was born on Saturday, August 13, 2011! Congrats Kelli, Steve and Big Brother Ben!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

The eye!

I started taking pictures at a very young age and have been told 'I have the eye'. I didn't quite understand that until I started taking pictures of my girls, Addison & Ashland. The first year of my oldest daughter, Addison, life I took over 10,000 pictures - yes 10,000! My husband had to buy a bigger memory for our computer because I refused to stop taking pictures. Which brings me to where I am today....

As many of you already know, I am the type of individual who goes after what I want. I've always been driven, whether it be in my education, career or anything in life. So why would photography be any different? Why not do something I love and at the same time capture and share all the special moments in a families life!

Please bare with me as I'm just starting out! I will blog and share as many pictures! Thank you for visiting April Smith Photography and I look forward to being able to capturing the moments that make you!

April Smith